We would love to hear from you!
Please complete the inquiry form to request more information. Contact the Department directly at gerontology@unl.edu or 402-472-0754.
Visit us in 310 Nebraska Hall on the UNL City Campus.
Christopher M. Kelly, Ph.D. |
Julie L. Masters, Ph.D. |
Bede Bolin, MS, MA |
Mark Staley |
Elsa Wilcox |
Part-time Faculty |
Jen Baker, MA, MSW, LICSW jbaker20@unl.edu |
Mary Lou Buss mbuss@unomaha.edu |
Paul Falkowski, Jr., Ph.D. pfalkowski@unomaha.edu |
Wonjeong Haaisto, MSA, Ph.D. whaavisto@unomaha.edu |
Geralyn Hepp, MA ghepp2@unl.edu |
Heather Krzmarzick hkrzmarzick@unomaha.edu |
Natalie Leon, MHA natalieleon@unomaha.edu |
Lisa Mansur, MD lmansur2@unl.edu |
Shandalee Ramet sramet@unomaha.edu |
Becky Romshek bromshek@unomaha.edu |
William Stott williamstott@unomaha.edu |
Erik White, MS, RDN, LMNT erikwhite@unomaha.edu |
Jenna White, MA, MSW, LCSW jhull@unomaha.edu |