The Department of Gerontology offers undergraduate and graduate options on the University of Nebraska - Lincoln campus.
Undergraduate Programs
Undergraduate students may earn either a Certificate in Gerontology or a Minor in Gerontoogy.
The Certificate in Gerontology consists of 15 credit hours of specified coursework plus real-world experience through a one-semester practicum with one of dozens of organizations associated with aging in Omaha, Lincoln, and surrounding areas.
The Minor in Gerontology consists of 18 credit hours of coursework.
Undergraduate students who complete the Certificate or Minor may also earn a Bachelor of Science in Gerontology online through the University of Nebraska at Omaha while pursuing another degree at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln.
Learn the details about these programs in the UNL catalog.
Graduate Programs
Graduate students can complete the dual degree program in Gerontology and Law which offers three options combining either the UNO Master of Arts in Gerontology degree or the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology with either the UNL Juris Doctor or the Master of Legal Studies. Students must apply to both UNL College of Law and UNO Graduate Studies. There are specified courses from each program required for the dual degree.